The deadline for submission of Phase 1 bids is mid-February, with work beginning in May, 2017, and extending through 2018, perhaps longer. Several interesting points emerged from the initial presentation and later conversations:
- The current pipeline contractor replacing and relocating the existing sewer, IMCO, is on schedule to finish its work on the pipeline by end of May, and they will be one of the contractors bidding on Phase 1 of the park.
- Some overlap between the current pipeline replacement project and Phase 1 of the park will exist. IMCO is building an access road from 99th Ave. through the park which will follow the planned route of the park’s promenade. They are also leveling the area to be used later as the parking/viewing area off Lake Washington Blvd.
- IMCO is using access to the park area from Lake Washington Blvd for removal of dirt and debris. They will not be removing any more trees or plants along 99th Ave, or touching any part of the street. IMCO’s equipment is being staged in the Marina parking lot.
Your MBNA Board continues to work closely with the city to ensure the resultant waterfront park is safe and enjoyable for both visitors as well as nearby residents. We will continue to keep you apprised of updates as they occur.