- With the exception of driveway and parking lot approaches, Lake Washington Boulevard and 99th Ave. sidewalks and curbs are now complete. 99th Ave. paving and work along the LWB shoulder will occur early this fall. Expect more lane closures while this final road work is taking place. As requested by MBNA members, a pedestrian-actuated crossing at 99th and LWB will be installed.
- Construction of the sites’ upper wall sections and the upper parking lot off LWB are underway. Installation of rockery retaining walls are nearly 75% complete; this work continues into early September.
- The curvilinear floating pier is now complete. Final beach and shoreline restoration including placement of large woody debris for wildlife habitat will be complete by the end of September.
- Final finishes on the beach house continue, with an expected completion date of early fall. Remodeling of the Whaling Building is underway, with completion expected at the end of the year.
- Final irrigation and landscaping improvements will begin later in September.
Scott thanks you for your continued patience. Please feel free to contact Scott (425-452-4169 [email protected]) with questions or concerns.
As you know, the MBNA runs on donations. We are a 501c3 corporation, and your donations are tax deductible. Donations can be made using Paypal or mail check to:
227 Bellevue Way NE, PMB 278
Bellevue WA 98004