MBNA has also received the following update from Scott Vander Hyden, City Project Manager of the new waterfront park:
- The pilings and trestle for the pier are now complete. Later this fall the floating sections of the pier will be barged in and attached to pilings.
- Earthmoving, utilities installations, and construction of the beach house and viewing platforms will continue through the fall as weather permits. Rockery construction is underway and two of the large retaining walls are now complete.
- Work along Lake Washington Boulevard will begin in early November and continue through the spring of 2018. Activities will include moving overhead power lines underground, replacing the aging waterline, and installing a sidewalk along the south side of the boulevard.
- Later in the winter improvements will begin along 99th Avenue Northeast south of Lake Washington Blvd. including diagonal parking on the west side of 99th and sidewalks on both sides. The street end will have as a small personal watercraft unload area and serve as a main entrance into the park.
- In the ravine area, the formerly armored shoreline with concrete and large rocks is being naturalized and the stream daylighted. Habitat gravel has been placed along the shoreline and spawning salmon have already been seen in the area.
Please feel free to contact Scott at any time with questions or concerns.
Scott Vander Hyden, Project Manager
[email protected]