Second, here’s a brief recap as of August 15 on construction highlights from Scott Vander Hyden, the Meydenbauer Bay Park Project Manager, and what to expect in the coming months.
The two-month permitted in-water work window began on July 17. Pile installation for the new pier is currently underway and is expected to be complete next week. Pile driving work is on-schedule using the vibration type hammer, however it appears that 2-3 pilings will require the use of an impact “pounding type” hammer to attain proper finished depth, which is expected to take one day and occur late this week or next week. The barge is scheduled to leave within the next two weeks.
Shoreline re-grading, utilities installations, in-water sewer line connection, beach house construction and retaining wall work will continue throughout the summer. Work along Lake Washington Boulevard and 99th Avenue Northeast is expected to begin later in the fall and continue through the spring of 2018. Activities will include moving overhead power lines underground, replacing the aging water pipeline and constructing a sidewalk along the south side of the boulevard adjacent to the Park and both sides of 99th Avenue Northeast from Lake Washington Boulevard to the entrance of the Marina.
Scott welcomes your questions or concerns; his phone is 425-452-4169 and his email is [email protected].