Position 3 -- Don Davidson vs. John Chelminiak
Position 5 -- Michelle Hilhorst vs. Vandana Slatter
Position 7 -- Jennifer Robertson vs. Lyndon Heywood
MBNA will be hosting these candidates at our next Candidate Forum at 7 pm on Thursday, Oct. 15, at the Overlake Golf and Country Club. Members of the MBNA Board will also meet with the candidates individually between now and the Forum to brief them on MBNA’s goals, positions and activities and to hear from the candidates on issues of interest to neighbors of Meydenbauer Bay.
Your call to action: We want to hear from you about your concerns so that we can make the Forum and the briefings more meaningful to area residents. Please let us know what topics or questions you would like raised by sending a separate email to us at [email protected]. Please send us your questions by September 1st.
Thank you for helping us Protect the Future of the Bay.